Orders of Protection on Long Island
Long Island Divorce Lawyer
An order of protection is an important legal remedy for victims of spousal abuse or family violence. Unfortunately, it can also become a tool for leverage in divorce and custody proceedings. To ensure you receive the best legal advice on how to handle your situation it is imperative that you obtain the services of a highly skilled Long Island family law attorney. Our caring and dedicated staff will help you with this difficult situation to protect you and your family.
If you have been assaulted or threatened, or if you fear for the safety of yourself or your child, you can obtain a temporary order of protection. This emergency protection order will require that the abuser be removed from your home and have no contact with you or your children. The judge will grant this order until a formal hearing is held (usually within a week). At that hearing, our lawyers can help present evidence for a permanent order of protection. While temporary orders are readily granted, a judge will require substantial proof before issuing a permanent order, which typically lasts 12 months.
If You Are Served With an Order of Protection
New York courts take allegations of domestic violence very seriously. If you have been accused of violence and are facing a divorce or custody proceedings, or if you someone has filed a protective order against you, those allegations will put you at a distinct disadvantage. It is critical that you challenge a protection order aggressively and properly. If not responded to properly, having an order filed against you could have serious and negative consequences for your freedom, parental rights, employment and other aspects of life.
At Jonathan E. Kroll & Associates, PLLC, our experienced attorneys have practiced divorce and family law for more than 20 years, and are familiar with the family law judges in the Long Island, New York area and surrounding communities. Most likely you are also facing criminal charges of domestic assault or violation of a protective order. If you have been served with an order of protection, you may end up being unable to see your children for twelve months or only permitted to visit them under supervision.
Being accused of abuse can have serious consequences on the outcome of your divorce proceedings. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, or if your spouse or partner has exaggerated an incident to gain leverage for divorce or custody, contact our office immediately.
Helping You in Long Island, NYC & the Tri-State Area
Whether you are seeking or challenging an order of protection, we can respond with the urgency and legal knowledge to protect your interests. Our office represents men and women on Long Island and throughout the surrounding areas.
Call us at (516) 324-3138 for a consultation with a Long Island divorce attorney.